Erasmus International School

International Trilingual Child Centered Education

Building Foundations, Inspiring Futures, Empowering Potential & Cultivating Success!

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide every child with the best possible preparation for a successful future by focusing on modern and inspiring education that makes children more involved in the classroom and while they have more fun learning.
Important aspects are; Scientific Learning, Child Centered
Education, Community & Connection, and a Focus on World

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The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their experiences.

Loris Malaguzzi

Founder of Reggio Emilia

Child-Centered Education

Child-Centered Education begins with teachers involving students in a classroom to share in decision making processes and believing in their capacity to lead. When a child learns about the relevance of the subject in discussion it makes learning more interesting for them. During creative learning when a child chooses the focus of the content she/he can use their imagination to come up with interesting takes on the same subject. The very core of learning centered around children is to help the child achieve holistic development. It includes the development of physical capabilities along with intellectual abilities, cognitive or mental abilities, emotional abilities, and social skills.

Reggio Emilia

We at EIS believe strongly in Reggio Emilias view on childhood: a child has an unlimited potential who is eager to interact with and contribute to the world. We believe in a child who has a fundamental right to ‘realise and expand their potential’. This is a child who is driven by curiosity and imagination,  a capable child who delights in taking responsibility for his or her own learning, a child who listens and is listened to, a child with an enormous need to love and to be loved, a child who is valued.


Our takeaways from Reggio Emilia:

Calm and natural classrooms, Surroundings as teachers, Following curiosity, Expression in hundred ways.



 If you are interested in discovering more about our school, please fill out the pre-application form on the website, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible or visit our school for more information