
Child-Centered Education

Our school aims to develop open-minded, curious and empathetic young people who are intrinsically motivated to positively impact their local and global community, creating sustainable change. 

Child-Centered Education

Child-Centered Education begins with teachers involving students in a classroom to share in decision making processes and explore their interests. This approach to education makes it possible for students to learn about more subjects while understanding them on a deeper level because the students are more involved in the classroom and have a better understanding on the topics.

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If we taught babies to talk as most skills are taught in school, they would memorize lists of sounds in a predetermined order and practice them alone in a closet

Fostering Curiosity

Curiosity is at the base of learning, the desire to learn, understand and to find out more about the world around us. Without curiosity there is no learning.

Research shows that young children typically ask a question every two minutes. And yet for the most part schools dampen rather than build on this natural urge to find out. Research shows that schoolchildren show far less curiosity than they just a couple months earlier. Our teachers build upon the young children’s urge to know, helping them become more sustained and persevering in their pursuit of information.

By fostering curiosity we are making sure that the students are motivated by the will to learn instead of by the obligation to learn.

Dynamic Classrooms

Dynamic classrooms and movement during classes are an innovative educational approach that brings learning to life! It’s about incorporating physical activity and movement as essential components of the learning process.”

In dynamic classrooms, students are encouraged to move, explore, and actively participate in their learning. It’s more than just sitting at desks and listening to lectures. It’s about making learning fun, engaging, and interactive!

Brain breaks, active learning, and technology tools are some of the strategies used to create dynamic classrooms. Students can stretch, dance, role-play, and use technology tools to enhance their understanding of concepts.”

“Curiosity is at the base of learning, the desire to learn, understand and to find out more about the world around us. Without curiosity there is no learning.”