
Introduction to EIS

Our school aims to develop open-minded, curious and empathetic young people who are intrinsically motivated to positively impact their local and global community, creating sustainable change.

Education at EIS

Our mission is to provide every child with the best possible preparation for a successful future by focusing on modern and inspiring education that makes children more involved in the classroom and while they have more fun learning.
Important aspects are; Scientific Learning, Child Centered
Education, Community & Connection, and a Focus on World

*Erasmus International School is an authorized private school by the supervisory ministry (Ministry of National Education, preschool and sports.
Erasmus adopts an education governed by the directives and circulars of the ministry (MEN).

Trilangual: English, French & Arabic

Research shows that children in primary school are the most attainable to learning new languages. Therefore we choose to add English to the curriculum, next to Arabic and French, to make sure they are able to keep up with the globalizing world and can make the most out of their education.

The students will study English and use English for the project based courses where they will learn to research new topics.

Health, Wellbeing, & Sustainability

To enable students to make the most out of their education, we focus on their wellbeing; they need to be as happy and healthy as they can be.
Therefore we focus on healthy food, free movement & expression, and enough rest and sleep to make sure every student can be more involved in their learning and is able to excel. 

Child-Centered Education

Child-Centered Education begins with teachers involving students in a classroom to share in decision making processes and explore their interests. This approach to education makes it possible for students to learn about more subjects while understanding them on a deeper level because the students are more involved in the classroom and have a better understanding on the topics.

“Teaching is not about answering questions but about raising questions – opening doors for them in places that they could not imagine.”

Science-Based Learning

Research shows that young children typically ask a question every two minutes. And yet for the most part schools dampen rather than build on this natural urge to find out. Research shows that schoolchildren show far less curiosity than they just a couple months earlier. Our teachers build upon the young children’s urge to know, helping them become more sustained and persevering in their pursuit of information.  We aim to preserve the children’s urge to know and to find out new information by fostering the curiosity by engaging in a science-based way of learning where the children are guided to explore new topics in projects while they also learn to be critical on the information they recieve. 

Community & Connection

We recognize the importance of having a great community . The school, parents and the community play a vital role in working together to promote the health and wellbeing of the students and to develop a positive attitude towards learning and education , builing motivation and confidence and fostering their enjoyment of learning .


 If you are interested in discovering more about our school, please fill out the pre-application form on the website, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible or visit our school for more information